27 days till the big day
Every weekend I went to the studio to practice.
At the same time, there was also the Parade that we had to dressed for.
I was given an idea on my dance routine, a theme that helped me.
Funny isn't it that the song by Lorde - Tennis Court could be counted as clown-ey/theatrical comic.
Participants intro that was distributed on the day of event.
If I knew, I would have submitted a better photo.
I'm 2nd from the left on the 2nd line.
Venue was at the Star Theater sitting around 200 audience O_o'

I had to head to the hair salon to braid my hair.
i did my makeup on my own. Temporary Face tattoo around my eyes and I drew hearts on my face.
KS kept asking me to paint my face like a clown but I think that's a little overdoing it.

As for my parade dress, found online reference on Harlequin Clown costume which went well with my black & red costume theme.
And I sewed the whole thing in 2weeks.
Serious, I wasn't as stress for the finals compared to the heats coz my attention was diverted elsewhere.

After numerous race travelling trips, its always wise to have a checklist.
So no different to this event. Thankfully, the venue is only 3km away from home.
No..i don't intend to run home.
Pole Boutique Finalist
From left : Amy, Sarah, Demi (all from Inters) and Sharon (Open)
I'm the only one not there. Was being anti-social outside the dressing room with the aircon.
A little too stuffy in the changeroom (hence no photos of me at all at the backstage).
At long last, the Parade, all the ladies were dressed in their finest.

I'm in my clown costume....
Well, KS said someone in the audience say "wow, that's different"
That's the objective anyway.
Below are a few photos of the competitors.

And below are my photos.

And the results for the Intermediate category
I made it to the Top 2!!!
In our category, she's the youngest & I'm the oldest....walau!!
Unfortunately, I didn't win the title =(

But heck, RUNNER-UP on my first pole competition!!!
I wouldn't have even imagined it.
Was I confident? Maybe, not over just comfortable.
I think I've encountered alot of stressful situations before, so I've experience on calming my nerves.
Ultra big sash hung with all the other medals.
It took me a long time to buck up my courage to come this far.
Thankfully, he has been pretty supportive (he has seen the light *phew*)
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