Running Guild from Singapore was down in Malaysia for a talk entitled "Empower The Runner in You". This is the first sports-science based running clinic. Running Guild is run by 2 person, Philip Tan, an Exercise & Sports performance physiologist and Ben Swee, a Personal Fitness Trainer, certified by the Federation of International Aerobic and Fitness (FISAF).
The day was split into 3 sessions :-
Session 1 : 9am-11.15am
1) The right foot out - shoe selection 101
2) Foundation - training fundamental of running
Session 2 : 12pm-2.15pm
1) Mix & Match - Maximizing performance of the human running machine
2) Optimal race nutrition for the strong finish
Session 3 : 2.30pm-4.45pm
1) Sharpening and peaking for the final surge
2) Pain - what to do when you don't know what to do
I didn't put any pictures of the lecture up coz it would be unfair to show the slides done by Philip to the public. Anyway, it was informative for starting and experience runners. Though, I haven't been to a lecture for ages, I had actually dozed off a couple of times.
In between sessions, Ben would introduce exercises that would help our running muscles (which also wakes me up).
After a full day of information storing, the athletes left with a mindful brain & Philip lost his voice.

Session 1 : 9am-11.15am
1) The right foot out - shoe selection 101
2) Foundation - training fundamental of running
Session 2 : 12pm-2.15pm
1) Mix & Match - Maximizing performance of the human running machine
2) Optimal race nutrition for the strong finish
Session 3 : 2.30pm-4.45pm
1) Sharpening and peaking for the final surge
2) Pain - what to do when you don't know what to do
I didn't put any pictures of the lecture up coz it would be unfair to show the slides done by Philip to the public. Anyway, it was informative for starting and experience runners. Though, I haven't been to a lecture for ages, I had actually dozed off a couple of times.
In between sessions, Ben would introduce exercises that would help our running muscles (which also wakes me up).
After a full day of information storing, the athletes left with a mindful brain & Philip lost his voice.
Thanks Running Guild!!
P/S : photos not mine.
wow .. . thanks for the 'refreshing' course . .. hahaaa
wish they will hold another such session but less technical. i was almost lost in the 'lecture' :)
It was informative, but sitting thru it the whole day might be abit tensing. Glad on Ben's session in between. At least at the same time, work the muscles as well.
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