Last year, Keat seong & I partnered for The North Face 50km Duo at Singapore. We were provided black event t-shirt. As usual it was quite big so modification time. Plus i didn't feel bad at cutting it up since it was cotton.
original shirt taken last year 2009

Actually at the start all I did was take off the sleeves & trim the waist abit.
Then I realised that the neckline was rather tight. so I thought of giving it an edge look and snipping a straight down neckline. To my horror...I accidentally cut the back of the shirt as well. Now I've got a hole at the back top of my shirt.

And no I did not do it on purpose just to modify somemore. :p So the next step of trying to cover up my accident, I decided to snip somemore. I turned a t-shirt to halter neck top.
Rather than having an empty back, I sewed a silver plastic chain connecting the neckline to the back. Something to distract eyes away from my acne back.
It turned out ok, but I feel rather exposed :p
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