With so many things coming up towards this day. Skipped a week of training due to travelling to Langkawi to support KS for Ironman (not that I'm complaining) then it was already tapering the week after that. I didn't get to do my long distance training. Only doing a 75km ride made me hungry & achy.

Transition area
It's like freaking long. Nearly 1km in length. My place was located like nearly 3/4 from the swim & bike start. So there goes my chance of a good T-time

Swim - 1.9km - 47.23mins
All ladies were in bright pink cap. Placed myself at the back. Never like swiming in front. I rather swim over ppl rather than be swam over. At first the water was really murky & cold, after a distance out, it was comfy. Slightly clearer & warmer. Difficult to draft coz everyone going zigzag. Swimmers on my left & right cramping thru me, i stopped, see both of them hook each other necks when they stroke. 1st loop someone knocked my goggles, so it fogged up. 2nd loop I felt something amissed. My new neophrene timing chip strap came off!! On my returned, the guys caught up to us. No mercy. It was like bulls swimming towards us.

When I got back up, I started asking around on replacement chip. Being Aviva, they had backups ready. My hands was shaking so much, I needed help with it. That 500m run to my place was lonnnggg

I was still nervous about the race, nervous about the narrow u-turns, nervous about grabbing water bottles with my left hand, nervous about the road conditions.
About 8km out, my arms were still shaking, shifting from my aero position to normal handlebars, my lost control, my fingers went to the brakes, and that was it. My bike stopped, in the middle of the bike way, I skidded on my left side. My helmet head impacted on the road, my shoes still clipped in. I kept my eyes closed, just praying no one cycle over me. I looked up to see a volunteer running towards me, started diverting traffic and helped me up. My wrist was sore, my bike chain was out. I quickly tried to put it back again, fingers full of grease. I was back in the game. Taking a breather, I went on my way.

3 x 30km with narrow u-turns. Good safety feature where volunteers tells u "hands on brakes" at slowdown point. KS said 1st loop to rekkie the route, then 2nd & 3rd to pia. After the fall, very hard to pia. Got a cut on my left elbow, so it kind hurt when I aero. 2 cuts on my left palm, so it sting when i hold the brakes. Like Simon & emma said "suck it up!" 3rd loop was mental, long stretch of East Coast Park expressway (ECP) & Ayer Rayah expressway (AYE). Whomever said it was flat, was wrong. About 2 inclines of flyovers but then it was a good change, to not pedal when going downhill. Saw a few ppl fell during the u-turns, so I took precaution. No point rushing. Drank 500ml for every 15km of water & 100plus. KS said I did a pretty good timing with a average of 1.10hr per loop.

I had practiced a good balance off my bike leaving the shoes on, but the last time i did it after my 75km ride, I pokai coz my toes were numb. This time I had wiggled them & felt them. But after my fall, I decided to be safe & just unclipped my shoes instead. Ran towards my spot & got really for a good run. KS said it was a good thing too, coz he noticed a few ppl fell from doing the balance act.

I felt good at the run. 3 loops in total. My breathing was good, I paced myself. Since I didn't push in the bike, I wasn't tired when I started the run. It wasn't a very long way away from the transition point, just a few turns here & there with supporters along the way. Weather was on & off with overcast & sunny. I just kept pouring water onto myself. My socks & shoes were soggy. I was just afraid of the timing chip shafting. Hence the reason why I bought the neophrene strap from TBB. 100plus to drink & water to pour onto myself. Took a gel every 30mins. Supports from Emma, Siok Leng, Chantelle and by accident, Lynette. Sanny, Richard & Roger who competed as well. My last loop was pretty mental. Had to walk/march a few times. My body wasn't tired or aching, just mental I guess. I made sure I kept moving on the last 2km towards the finish line coz that was where the supporters were. KS predicted a 2.20hrs run, off by 2mins. I was still able to hop when I crossed the finish line.

I felt good though painful for my maiden 70.3 but I'm glad I did it was Aviva.
P/s : Bee, no peking duck this time...sniff sniff

well done Jen! Saw you out there on the bike and on the run. You looked pretty steady and smiling - which is rule #1 :D
Great stuff!
many thanks Em. After my fall, I told myself to calm down & enjoy the race. So that was what i did..thank goodness for that..hahha
Crashed but still did so well. Your timings were very competitive despite the hiccups on the bike leg.
Well done!
Being a swimmer makes doing triathlon easier right? hehehe
Yes swimmers rule :P
Courageous effort Jenn. You were unlucky to fall. But still a respectable time. Well done.
hear hear!! I'll pick a tri more than Du
cool...great job jenn...
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