I was sooo indecisive over this race. Siok Bee kept asking me to go for Kenyir Triathlon but being a stingy person, I didn't want to spend extra $$$ especially right after Aviva. So I declined the offer, and decided to go for Energizer Run instead, which was on the same weekend.
2 weeks before the weekend race, I saw the list of participants for Kenyir Tri. Gee wiz...so few ladies, plus the good ladies were running the Energizer instead. So I decided to sell off my Energizer bib and opt for Kenyir Tri instead.
And then....I crash at Aviva. So both Kenyir & Energizer went down the drain. I wasn't that sore about it. If your body is on a negative mode, you have to be brave to say "no".
the bunny & her bike
The Energizer night, Keat Seong had to work, so Kelvin gave me & my bike a lift to Cyberjaya. KS had already rekkied the parking areas, so we parked within walking distance to the start line (Kelab Komunity Tasik Cyberjaya).

We deposited our baggage, then started making our way to the starting point. Met up with Ben, Yee Hua & Frank. Starting time was 6pm and the sun was still up high. It's gonna be a hot hot run. But the clouds was starting to gather, so hopefully it'll get cooler earlier.

We were entertained by Schick cheerleaders & dancing batteries. I cycled along side with the 42km at a fair distance. Oh, wore my bunny ears too to commemorate the event. After that, I rode back to the starting point again to see the 21km runners at 8pm. Lee, Yap, Pathma & Michie ran the 21km. Headlights were used to light up the way plus it was Earth Hour too.

Then I joined back the 42km. At 26km, bumped into Keat Seong, who told me to get the ambulance coz he wants to stop. This is the 1st time for me. I went to the nearest water station & told the St John to get an ambulance. KS sat down blur blur. I think even dozed off abit. When the ambulance arrived, the medic spoke to him, wrapped him in blanket coz he was shivering. KS kept dozing off until the medic told him that if he doesn't stay awake, he'll have to put drip. Without hesitation, KS said put it on. I avoided looking at the needle going thru his vein and thankfully I didn't feel " that" sick when I saw blood trickling out. They loaded him into the ambulance and head back to the medic tent.

I rode my bike out to notify Frank & Kelvin the situation. Long story short, Keat Seong was at the Kelab again, all better after being "charged" up with 2 bottles of drip. And the biggest news is that he had no idea what happened. From the time the ambulance came until he got back to the tent.

Anyway, good news was Elaine Wong got her sub4 dream and 1st place in her age group women 42km. We think it's coz of her current promo skit for Fitness Concept, where she's been training on the threadmill morning & evening for the past few days, which helps maintain her cadence speed throughout the run. Frank at a steady 4h15m & Kelvin at a tired 4h45mins. Ben Swee got a great 3rd placing for his 42km age group category.

My opinion is that after riding the route, I wouldn't say it's a great place to run eventhough it's spacious but the route is just too long til there aren't enuff ppl to monitor it. At some point, runners were just alone. Just their body, mind & soul and the road. A total mental game. I'm not sure what I would have done, but I salute to those runners who contd on & finished it past midnite.

2 weeks before the weekend race, I saw the list of participants for Kenyir Tri. Gee wiz...so few ladies, plus the good ladies were running the Energizer instead. So I decided to sell off my Energizer bib and opt for Kenyir Tri instead.

Thankfully, Triahtlon Malaysia was gracious to transfer my payment to the next tri event, PD and I was able to sell my 21km bib to Farah, who answered my ad in the FB.
The Energizer night, Keat Seong had to work, so Kelvin gave me & my bike a lift to Cyberjaya. KS had already rekkied the parking areas, so we parked within walking distance to the start line (Kelab Komunity Tasik Cyberjaya).

We deposited our baggage, then started making our way to the starting point. Met up with Ben, Yee Hua & Frank. Starting time was 6pm and the sun was still up high. It's gonna be a hot hot run. But the clouds was starting to gather, so hopefully it'll get cooler earlier.

We were entertained by Schick cheerleaders & dancing batteries. I cycled along side with the 42km at a fair distance. Oh, wore my bunny ears too to commemorate the event. After that, I rode back to the starting point again to see the 21km runners at 8pm. Lee, Yap, Pathma & Michie ran the 21km. Headlights were used to light up the way plus it was Earth Hour too.

Then I joined back the 42km. At 26km, bumped into Keat Seong, who told me to get the ambulance coz he wants to stop. This is the 1st time for me. I went to the nearest water station & told the St John to get an ambulance. KS sat down blur blur. I think even dozed off abit. When the ambulance arrived, the medic spoke to him, wrapped him in blanket coz he was shivering. KS kept dozing off until the medic told him that if he doesn't stay awake, he'll have to put drip. Without hesitation, KS said put it on. I avoided looking at the needle going thru his vein and thankfully I didn't feel " that" sick when I saw blood trickling out. They loaded him into the ambulance and head back to the medic tent.

I rode my bike out to notify Frank & Kelvin the situation. Long story short, Keat Seong was at the Kelab again, all better after being "charged" up with 2 bottles of drip. And the biggest news is that he had no idea what happened. From the time the ambulance came until he got back to the tent.

Anyway, good news was Elaine Wong got her sub4 dream and 1st place in her age group women 42km. We think it's coz of her current promo skit for Fitness Concept, where she's been training on the threadmill morning & evening for the past few days, which helps maintain her cadence speed throughout the run. Frank at a steady 4h15m & Kelvin at a tired 4h45mins. Ben Swee got a great 3rd placing for his 42km age group category.

Bunny ears? Hahhah. Actually I think it was Duracell that used the bunny mascot. But everyone uses the term Energizer Bunny, oh well...
Hey, Keat Seong seems to have fainting spells quite often. Maybe something to check?
i think it's coz he has been ill for the past few weeks, back to back Langkawi & Aviva then this. Not enuff time to recover
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