The reason why we call him ultraman yip was because Yip is his name and in sports distances; Ultra runner is a runner who runs >42km. Ultraman is for distances more than an Ironman for triathlon (swim-bike-run). I'm not sure if he's done that before (not officially) but he's someone we all know that "Impossible is Null" (his website
Invited a few close friends for a dinner at Food Foundary Section 17. Keat Seong & I bought him a little present which represented him.

Ultraman Yip was actually sporting about the present

The most common question that went around "So what's your next race?" :p

*slurp slurp*

standing : Tey, Frank, KS, Poong, Ray Hee, Khoo, Ray NgSitting : Julie, me, Yip, gome dunno ur name, Mich
And then we end the nite with .....
*hahahhha*Thanks to Julie, Mich & Tey for the pics
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