Amy, a colleague asked me if I wanna be Santarina
Yeah sure, played the part before, but not until to the point I had to wear the costume!!!

Santa was none other than my colleague, Le, who's a gym buff
Funny that 2 of the fittest ppl in the office were picked
Amy bought my dreary santarina costume at a cheap price but seriously felt like an old maid in it. So I decided to alter it into a more modern fashion

Talk to the hand coz the ears ain't listenin'

We had to come in from the entrance to surprise everyone

I didnt know what to do...Le was so hyped up
I made my sleeves like leh...

Santa's chest looked like it's gonna burst


Santa is starting to feel ichy...

Happy carolers

Gift distributing ceremony...santa being nawty

santa & santarina exchanging gifts

Food galore...kudos to the committee

Christmas cupcakes

w my Accounts colleague, Whai Ching

Santa tired liau
(i seriously need to sanitize my pillow later)

Winning team

wah...we don't qualify for best dress but still got Gratitude gift...I like

Being cutesy with the tree

I asked for Nike apparel or New Moon book
Got a pair of Nike socks & headband...ok lah

Christmas doorgift

Got RM20 Jusco voucher as Gratitude & a chicken mug...kewl
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