The big morning came. Our bikes all packed. We had our morning routine. Got a little lost getting there *shy shy* special thanks to Lynn’s GPS for getting us there on time.
We pumped up our tyres, packed up our energy food & extra essential. Bad timing when I needed the toilet few minutes before it started. As we were heading towards the entrance gate, we were told to wait instead coz it has started already. Zoom zoom zoom…bikes started passing us. So we rallied in.
The starting on the route was nice where all the bikes were cycling together. Drafting was also good. I followed Jezzamine & Gerard. After a while, I started falling back. I can confirm that cycling is my weakest leg.

In this “race”, there were 4 checkpoints. From checkpoint 2-3, we were provided a sticker as a qualification. Also we were provided food, drinks & fruits to refuel ourselves.

Special thanks for Joe & Vincent for their support during my tiresome ride. They both even got time to yamchar *shakehead*

Also special thanks for Jamie for her support, especially looking for nature toilet for girls…ahhaha

I was alone most of the ride. At some point, the sun was sooooo hot, I had to stop by the shade to catch my breathe. The power ladies caught up with me at Checkpoint 3. Checkpoint 4 felt ages. With only 10km to go, my knees started to give out. I had to stop a few times just to massage my right ITB. Thankfully I had my phone with me to update Keat Seong on my status.

Once I saw the finishing sign, I was soooo happy. Keat Seong was waiting for me with the camera in hand. I even came back with a van, so he thought that was my support car. I made sure I didn’t fall off the bike when I did my final stop due to the condition of my knees.

7hrs 30mins. I have no idea how I made this far. Lunch wasn’t even on my mind as I was too tired to be hungry. Got an earful from Keat Seong for not eating, since I packed so much as well, I needed to refuel my body for energy.
Great work to Frank, Lynn & Chin Chin also first timers like me who made it as well.
Congrats to our ladies rider who made a placing eg. Michelle, Lydia, HsingLing and Siok Bee.

They ran out of medals when I arrived, so had to provide my details for them to send it to me. Picture above is Keat Seong’s finisher medal. My first cycling reward.

We decided to drive back that night eventhough we were all dead-tired. Wei Kong took us to a restaurant pub for some good fried ikan bilis & fried chicken.
Now if u ask me, would I do this again. I would honestly say no. But then, I just need to gradually get my mileage into my legs and see how it goes. For now, a proper bike fitting is a must.
- end -
pics courtesy from Frank, Michelle, Jamie, misc, Keat Seong & myself :p