AIB Social Club's first official event was a Paintball game. At first, I was not able to make it coz it was fell the same weekend as IM Melbourne (I'm not racing it, KS is).
Anyway, the good news was the date was changed to a week before the race so I was able to participated.
Big yeah!!
After our working hours, we were provided with early dinner in a meeting room and was notified of our teams.
We were then loaded onto our transportation bus for a 20-30mins trip to the venue.
(catchy name isn't it)

Team A vs Team B
Creative name eh?
We were then 'loaded' into our gears :
Vest, full overalls, neck protector, baseball cap, gloves & mask.
Instruction video was soooo crappy.
It's not proper recording and the funny thing was when the guy asked if there was any questions.
Well, it's not like you'll be able to answer them...duh!!!

Locked & Load
Game 1 & 2 : Capture the flag
This is too obvious. Run to the enemy base & capture their flag then bring it back to your base.
Gold/Green: 1 , Blue : 1
Game 3 & 4 : Bomb the enemy
Bomb is located in the middle of the of the course. Capture it, then bring it to the enemy base.
Gold/Green: 1 , Blue : 1
The place is located in a big warehouse. Everything was soooo goeeey.
I would usually crawl on the ground alot, so the overalls helped alot.
I tried climbing on the platform, but the "texture" was eeeewwwww
Simon said he shot a few people by hiding in the car. I tried to climbed in once, but the goooeeeyyyyy. Eww!!
Sonita said that she was walking to her team medic tent once then Sanjay (opp. team) was hiding there.
Since, we were only permitted to shoot >6mtr away, she let him ago. And whilst he was running away, kekeke...she shot him =p when he reached 6mtr.
I so hate their pumpguns. You are suppose to pump the gun each time you shoot.
And sometimes it even miss-fire. Grrr...
So when you think you've got someone in sight, that doesn't mean you'll be able to shoot the enemy.
Unfortunately, the Gold/Green team's helmet pretty much kinda glow in the dark.
*hint* i'm right in front
On the 3rd game, I was already at my limit. Having difficulty seeing where I was going/shooting coz it was dark. I decided to do the sacrificial. Darren (teammate) had the bomb & shouted "Cover Me!"
So I did. I ran behind him, right towards enemy base. Of couse, I got shot, twice on my butt.
Covering him, we dived. He was able to touch the enemy base.
The above bruises was expected and it was only 1day after.
Had to explain that it was paint (pain) ball and not abuse =p